During Mentor Madness, each mentor will typically most companies on the program over a 2 week period, meeting individually with a team for 20 minutes.

The method to the madness is

20 minutes can be just the right amount of time to understand all of the above, while it also a reasonable amount of time to figure out that there isn’t going to be a future relationship

Format (schedule)

Sometimes, we have you (the mentor) engage over one full day, where we need you to be fully present.

Sometimes we break it up across 2-3 days and sometimes we scatter meetings for you according to your availability over the 2-week period.

Your program team will confirm what the schedule is.

Format (the interaction)

As founders get to spend 20 minutes with you, founders should use this time to fill you in on themselves & their startup, followed by a discussion on their startup.

Afterwards, we gather feedback from you & from the founders separately. We find out who wants to be a Lead Mentor for which company and which companies want which mentors to be their Lead Mentors.

We then the match-make Lead Mentors and the startups through a double opt-in process.